Report to:
Governance Committee |
18 July 2023 |
Assistant Chief Executive |
Title of report:
Appointments to Committees: Regulatory Committee
Purpose of report:
To consider a nomination to fill the vacancy on the Regulatory Committee
RECOMMENDATION: The Governance Committee is recommended to recommend the County Council to: 1) Appoint Councillor Howell to the Regulatory Committee
1. Appointment to Committees
1.1 In May 2023 the County Council agreed the allocation to political and independent
groups places on, and membership of, committees and panels.
1.2 Councillor Barry Taylor was appointed to one of the places allocated to the Conservatives on the Regulatory Committee.
1.3 Following the sad news of Councillor Taylor’s death, it is necessary to appoint to the vacant seat on the Regulatory Committee in accordance with the wishes of the political group to which the seat is allocated.
1.4 The Conservative Group has indicated that they wish Councillor Howell to be appointed to the vacant seat on the Regulatory Committee.
2 Conclusion
2.1 The Governance Committee is asked to recommend the Council to appoint Councillor Howell to the vacant seat on the Regulatory Committee.
Assistant Chief Executive
Contact Officer: Georgina Seligmann Tel: 01273 482355
Local Member: All
Background Documents: None